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Current Grad Students Newsletter

Graduate Student News

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Graduate Studies is sending out weekly newsletters. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know by emailing us at:

COVID-19 Updates

Regular updates about how Carleton is coping with the COVID-19 pandemic are available by clicking here. For additional information, please visit the University’s FAQ page. For questions concerning current graduate students, click here. To view FAQs for prospective graduate students, click here.

Convocation June 22 to June 26

Carleton will be hosting its Graduation Celebration 2020 from Monday, June 22 through Friday, June 26. Faculties and their departments are planning to host various virtual events for their grads throughout the week. A new website has been created as a central place for the Carleton community to come together to honour our more than 6,000 graduates.

Convocation Congratulations

In recognition of convocation ceremonies being postponed nationwide, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered a congratulatory speech from Carleton University to all Canadian post-secondary graduates on Wednesday, June 10, 2020.

Find Out What He Said →

Foot Patrol Service During COVID-19

The Carleton University Students’ Association’s (CUSA) Foot Patrol has modified its services to operate remotely due to COVID-19. Foot Patrol services are open remotely all seven days of the week, including holidays, from 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. We are continuing to offer counselling and other mental health services remotely. Click here to see what other services are being offered.

Join our Weekly Chat Sessions

Graduate Studies invites all grad students and postdocs to join our online Friday Grad Café chats. Every week, we focus on a different topic pertaining to grad life and grad students. To find out more, click here.

Graduate Studies’s professional development team continues to offer online one-on-one writing consultations and Individual Development Plan consultations. To stay updated about what is going on, please sign up for our new mailing list. And you can also stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter at @CarletonGradPD.

New Award

The new Indigenous Graduate Student Award is given annually by the Dean of the Graduate Studies to Canadian First Nation, Metis or Inuit Master’s or Doctoral  graduate students. Recipients will be selected based on demonstrated financial need and academic merit. Applicants will be required to provide supporting documentation to verify ancestry. This “proof of ancestry” documentation should be uploaded in their application as a supporting letter. Applicants need to go to Carleton Central (under “financial aid and awards” and then “online graduate award applications”), and search under the correct name.

Tri-Council Award Updates

A reminder that the federal government is giving students who’s NSERC, SSHRC or CIHR awards, that end between March and August, a four-month extension, provided they meet certain conditions. For details, click here. Please note that, although instructions will be sent to eligible students, they must still complete an online form through the Tri-council.

Looking for Photos

We’re looking for “action” shots of Carleton graduate students. These can be on or off campus. But they must be in focus and high resolution. We are hoping to use some of these photos in upcoming graduate student publications or on our website. As such, we would need your permission and the permission of anyone else in the shot, to publish these images. If we do use your photo, we will place $25 on your campus card. Please send your photo(s) along with your student number to

Contract Instructor Orientation

Carleton contract instructors teaching this July/August, check out the upcoming orientation on June 25. You can find all the details on how this two-part orientation will run and register by clicking here.

Carleton Researcher Develops Mobile App that Delivers COVID-19 Exposure Alerts But No Personal Information

Wei Shi, an associate professor in Carleton’s School of Information Technology, has developed an app that informs users if they could have been exposed to known COVID-19 cases – without ever collecting their personal information.

Read More →

Grad Research: The Pipelines, Politics and Political Economy

Master’s student Kyla Piccin is researching carceral abolition in Canada through the lens of Canada’s newest pipeline. Carceral abolition refers to dismantling the logics behind incarceration that are present in Canadian society and colonial contexts.

Read More →

FAQ Update

We added the following new FAQ to our current student site:

  • How can I get my student ID card if I’m taking courses online in Fall 2020 and not physically present on campus?