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Current Grad Students Newsletter

COVID Information

The Graduate@Carleton newsletter is typically distributed every Thursday morning. The next newsletter will be available on March 25. If you have any questions, please email us at:

To access FAQs about how Carleton is coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, click here. For questions concerning current graduate studentsclick here. To view FAQs for prospective graduate studentsclick here. International graduate students, please check out FAQs on the ISSO website.

Click here for more information about Carleton’s COVID-19 Reporting System for all students and employees.

Getting ready to file your 2020 Income Tax return? Check out the latest information from the Canada Revenue Agency about what expenses employees can claim due to the pandemic.

Faculty Graduate Mentoring Award Winners

Meet the seven professors who won a Faculty Graduate Mentoring Award this year. These awards are given to faculty who have gone above and beyond to support their graduate students.

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New Automated Graduation Letters

Graduate students that have applied for graduation can now download two new letters in Carleton Central. The new letters are Confirmation of Application to Graduate and Confirmation of Eligibility to Graduate.  Links to automated letters in Carleton Central are found in the Student Online Applications > Apply to Graduate > Applications for Graduation section. More information is available by clicking here.

And a reminder that, If you are planning to graduate in June, you need to apply to graduate by April 1.

GradFlix Deadline is Approaching

This year, Graduate Studies is hosting a research competition for graduate students called GradFlix. It replaces our participation in the Three Minute Thesis competition. The submission deadline is Tuesday, March 30. Updated information is available on this page.

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?

If you need support, there are lots of resources that can help you. Click here for more information. There is also a virtual café for graduate students every Monday morning from 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. EST. For registration, please email:

And there is a new online chat service for sexual violence support called CUSASC CHAT. This service is staffed by peer supporters and offers confidential, free support via text or web chat. Survivors of sexual violence can chat virtually or text 613-209-1142. CUSASC CHAT is open:

  • Monday and Tuesday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Wednesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
  • Friday, 1:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Summer Tuition Fees

Fees for the Summer 2021 term will be available by the end of March. Fees for the Fall 2021-Winter 2022 academic year will be available by May 2021. For more information, please go to this website.

Don't Forget to Accept Your Scholarships

Graduate students will be informed of their scholarship status by the following:

  • OGS:  Sent the beginning of March. If you are successful, and you originally filled in a paper submission, you need to fill in this acceptance form and return to asap. If you submitted your application online and received a successful result, the acceptance form will be located in your Carleton Central application.
  • NSERC PhD:  End of March
  • SSHRC PhD:  End of April
  • CIHR PhD:  End of April
  • CGS Master’s (all):  April 1 through the portal. If you are successful, you need to fill out this acceptance form and send to asap.

New EDI Award

Apply by April 9 for the new Carleton University Student Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Research Award, which provides funding (from $10,000 to $15,000) to participate in research projects that use EDI-informed considerations and reflect upon diversity and identity in substantial or significant ways. In collaboration with a faculty member, recipients of this award will participate in an EDI-related research project from May 1 to August 30, 2021. The establishment of this award responds to a recommendation in Carleton’s new EDI Action Plan, which outlines Carleton’s commitment to support, fund and disseminate research that advances EDI.

Summer OSAP Applications Are Now Open

Students can now select the 2021 Summer study period when completing the full-time OSAP applications through their online OSAP account. The summer OSAP application deadline is Saturday, June 26. Learn more by clicking here.

There Are Still Some PD Opportunities Left

Check out these professional development opportunities that are taking place in March. For those students working as TAs this term, these workshop hours can count toward paid pedagogical training hours. All such pedagogical training hours must be completed by March 30.

March 19: Design your Research with NVivo
March 23: Public Engagement
March 25: Introduction to Research Data Management
March 26
: Approaches to Coding (NVivo)

You can view other upcoming events, including the next Grad Café,  by clicking here.

And don’t forget that Graduate Studies is continuing to offer one-on-one writing consultations to assist you with writing-related challenges, or to discuss the effectiveness of your research and writing strategies. To request a consultation, fill out and submit this web form.

Student E-Learning Survey Results

In November 2020, the university surveyed Carleton students to inform how we could better support student success in the current online learning environment. We would like to thank everyone who participated. We have identified four main takeaways from our initial review of the results. These will help guide our preparation for a predominantly online Summer 2021 term and the likelihood of a mixed program delivery model in Fall 2021. We will continue to prioritize and enhance resources for student mental health and well-being, adapt to ongoing challenges, support instructors as they make course delivery decisions and recognize potential improvements to remote teaching methods. More information on the grad student website.

International Students Take Note

Please check out updates on the ISSO website:

The University Health insurance plan (UHIP) is mandatory medical health insurance for international students. However, if you are taking online Carleton classes from outside of Canada during the 2020/21 academic year due to Covid-19, UHIP is not required. Apply for  a refund by completing the UHIP Opt-Out Form. Deadline to opt out is March 31.

Canada’s Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) Program is a great opportunity available to recent graduates hoping to remain in Canada. The ISSO’s newly updated Post-Graduation Work Permit Guide includes information about eligibility requirements, authorized work during the transition from study permit to work permit, and how to apply. If you still have questions, register here for the ISSO’s next All About Post-Graduation Work Permits session on March 30 from 2 – 3:00 p.m.

Join in "The Conversation"

PhD students and faculty have lots of opportunities to write for The Conversation. Click here to see what topics the editors are looking for.

Carleton’s First Digital Strategy - Provide Your Feedback

In order to meet the diverse technology needs at the university today and into the future, Carleton is embarking on the development of its first-ever Digital Strategy. There will be a range of opportunities for the campus community to engage with this process. To get us started, we would like your ideas and perspectives on how Carleton can best utilize and harness digital technology.  Please take some time to fill out this short feedback form.

You Can Now Access Brightspace

Brightspace by D2L is now available for all Carleton students, staff and instructors. This new learning management system will replace cuLearn in May 2021, coinciding with the launch of the summer term. More information is available on this site.

Reminder - Cannabis on Campus

Recently Campus Safety Services has received an increase in the number of calls regarding the impaired operation of motor vehicles on the Carleton campus. Pursuant to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, Cannabis Control Act of Ontario, and other applicable laws you are reminded not to smoke or vape cannabis on campus. The campus is monitored 24/7 and there are supports available if you or someone you know is struggling with substance use. Due to current local and provincial health guidelines, students living off-campus are strongly advised to not come to campus unless it is essential.

Get Involved

The Carleton Senate is calling for nominations for students to serve on a variety of Senate Standing Committees. The term of office is one year and will begin on July 1, 2021. Students may serve on Senate committees without having been previously elected to a governance position. There are currently eight committees with graduate student vacancies. To learn more, please review the Call for Nominations. Applications need to be submitted on the Senate website by March 31.

Carleton Neuroscience Celebrates Decade of Discovery

At Carleton, the study of neuroscience began primarily within the departments of Biology and Psychology, but in 2010, a standalone Department of Neuroscience was founded. The decade since has been one of tremendous growth and impact.

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A Year of COVID-19: Tackling Pandemic Issues

Over the past 12 months, Carleton University students, faculty, researchers and staff have been tackling problems posed by the pandemic in a broad range of areas.

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New Report Highlights Shared Concerns of LGBTQ2+ Workers and Older Adults 

LGBTQ2+ older adults who use public services and LGBTQ2+ workers who work in them share similar safety concerns, according to a new research report from Carleton Prof. Susan Braedley and her partners – Carleton doctoral student Christine Streeter, the Canadian Union of Public Employees, and Egale Canada.

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Carleton Counsellor Rylee Godin Receives 2021 Indigenous Practice Award

Rylee Godin has received the 2021 Indigenous Practice Award from the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. This award honours excellence in advancing culturally-congruent counselling and psychotherapy services for Indigenous People in Canada. Each year, one recipient is selected from across the country.

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Welcome to the Dark Side

To the human eye, the night sky appears as a tapestry of inky darkness punctuated by twinkling lights. In between the countless stars are vast stretches of apparent nothingness, but the vacuum of space is not a void. There is something out there. We’re not exactly sure what, but Carleton University researchers are searching for answers. At the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Lab in northern Ontario, an experiment called DEAP-3600 has been seeking signs of dark matter since 2016.

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Upcoming Events

Check out the annual Communication Graduate Caucus Conference taking place from March 22-23.

You are invited to the formal launch of Carleton University’s new Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Action Plan on March 23 at 11:00 a.m. The comprehensive action plan outlines ways to reimagine curricular and pedagogical practices, and makes recommendations about how to further enhance student supports, research infrastructure, leadership development for academic and non-academic staff, organizational culture, and more. Please click here to register.

The annual EURUS Graduate Research Conference will be held from March 24-25.

Meet other TAs and discuss your TAships at our TA Cafés. Contact Helen Roumeliotis for the Zoom Links or check the announcements in the TA Central Hub (TAs can self-enroll). Coming up: Monday, March 29: 12 – 1:30 p.m.

Check out where and how to register for the annual Data Day event being held March 30. This year’s theme is AI: What’s Next? and Everything Smart. Click here for more information.

The Faculty of Science will host its fourth annual Life Sciences Day on April 6. This year’s event themes focus on mental health and the pandemic, and medical devices and diagnostics. You can register by going to this web page.

Important Dates and Deadlines

For a complete list of all official academic and financial dates and deadlines, please go to the Registrar’s websiteFor all financial matters, go to Student Accounts.

Also, the date for graduate students to electronically submit their final thesis copy to the Graduate Studies has been extended to May 31. If you have not done so by this date, you will not be eligible to graduate in June and will have to register for the Summer 2021 term.

FAQ Update

There have been no changes to the FAQs for either current or graduate students this week.