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Current Grad Students Newsletter

Graduate Student News

Welcome to the latest issue of TheGraduate@Carleton e-newsletter for graduate students. This newsletter is sent to all graduate students on the first and third Wed. of every month (except during the summer). For up-to-the-minute news, follow us on Twitter @CUGradStudies or visit our website: To comment, email us at:

Research Assistant Payments

A new system for research payments for graduate students is faster and easier with new online tools. If you’re an RA this summer, you will want to read this.

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Awards Update

A reminder that PhD students who won an NSERC award need to fill in this form and return to Leslie Main (512 Tory) asap. PhD students who won a SSHRC award should fill in this same form, once they have been notified of the result. If you won a Master’s Tri-Council award or an OGS scholarship, you need to fill in an acceptance form to seal the deal. That form is available on our website.

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New Process to Apply for a Travel Bursary

You can now apply for a summer travel bursary. The process has changed and is now done online. To apply, go to Carleton Central, look under Awards and Financial Assistance and then click on Graduate Online Application Forms.

U-PASS Reminder

Don’t forget to pick up your summer U-PASS or, if you are eligible, to apply to opt out.

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Interested in Living in Residence?

New students wanting to live in residence this fall need to apply by 4:30 p.m. on Wed. June 8 to be included in the room lottery.

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Careers Outside Academia

Need help finding work outside academia? Then check out these tips from Team Lead Career Counsellor Yvonne Collins.

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Media Training

Interested in learning how to talk with the media? Our media training workshop is intended for participants who are already giving media interviews or expect to be interviewed in the near future.

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3MT Participants Present Health-Related Research

Meet two more of the top 10 finalists in Carleton’s Three Minute Thesis Competition. Charles Ozzoude talked about The H-Factor: Health, Herbs, and the Need for Gardens at Hospitals while Sujit Das spoke about his research on Car Emissions and Related Health Effects: A Solution.     View Charles’ Video      View Sujit’s Video

Grad Research: More Effective Software

Have you heard about SQUALL?  That’s the Carleton University Software Quality Engineering Laboratory – and that’s where graduate students Sunint Khalsa and Wafa Hasanain are spending a lot of time developing better quality software.

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Grad Research: Digging Deep on the Impact of Oil

As the inaugural winner of the G. Stuart Adam Graduate Award in Journalism, Carleton grad student Liam Harrap will be using his award money to work on an in-depth article about the ecological impact of oil and gas industry seismic lines in the northern part of Alberta.

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Update re. Parking on Campus

Effective this week, parking permits are going virtual and will no longer be printed or issued in hard copy. Plus, the new rate goes into effect.

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New Acting Provost

Dean of the Sprott School of Business, Jerry Tomberlin, has been appointed the new Acting Provost for two years.

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New Acting Director of University Safety

Brian Billings is the new Acting Director of the Department of University Safety and Christopher Moy is the new Acting Assistant Director.

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Update from the April 24th Board of Governors Meeting

Find out what happened at the last meeting of the Board of Governors.

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Updated Structure for OVPRI

The Office of the Vice-President (Research and International) has a new structure.

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Important Dates and Deadlines


May 5:  Graduate students who have not electronically submitted their final thesis copy to the Graduate Studies will not be eligible to graduate in Spring 2017.

May 8:  Last day for registration and course changes (including auditing) for early summer courses.

May 12:  Last day for registration and course changes (including auditing) for full summer courses.

May 17-28:  Fall/Winter and Winter term deferred final examinations will be held.

May 19:  Last day for a full fee adjustment when withdrawing from early and full summer courses (financial withdrawal).

June 23:  Carleton Central opens for registration for new and returning graduate students

May 22:  Statutory holiday, University closed.

For a complete list of all official academic and financial dates and deadlines, please go to the Registrar’s website. For all financial matters, go to Student Accounts.


**The section of University Drive in front of the Life Sciences Building was closed for two weeks starting May 1. Library Road is open to help ease traffic congestion on campus.This road closure is required as demolition work continues on the Life Sciences Building.

May 3:  Stuart Walker, Chair of Design for Sustainability at Lancaster University, to lecture at the School of Industrial Design

May 5: Life Sciences Day

For information about Carleton events, go to the university events calendar.  For information about events targeted at or promoting graduate student research, go to Grad Research Link.


May 31: Media Training workshop

Grad Navigate workshops are not offered during the summer term. You can always access online training through Please note that these online training modules do not count towards paid training hours for TAs.


May 15:  Deadline to apply for a DAAD research grant – short stay

May 15:  Deadline to apply for a DAAD research stay

June 30Deadline to submit applications for the John W. Davies Memorial Award

Mitacs offers several funding opportunities for graduate students. You can apply any time, except there are two deadline dates each year for the Mitacs Elevate program. Check out:
(a) Mitacs Accelerate (Funding starts at $15,000 for research internships with industry or non-profit partners)
(b) Mitacs Elevate ($57,500 annual grant for two-year postdoctoral fellowships with industry or non-profit partners).
(c) Mitacs Globalink Research (Travel funding for research projects with international universities)
(d) Mitacs Step (Professional development workshops facilitated by industry leaders

Note: For information about Carleton awards, go to our awards and funding website.


The deadlines to apply for a Leave From Duties are: April 30 (summer term)  (access form via Carleton Central), Aug. 31 (fall term) and Dec. 31 (winter term).

Deadline to apply to be an “out-of-priority” TA are as follows: August 15 (Fall/Winter term), December 15 (Winter term) and April 15 (Spring/Summer term).

“Pedagogical” training hours must be completed by Nov. 30 for a fall-only TAship and by March 30 for a full academic year TAship or a winter-only TAship.

TAs – Please note that it can take up to two weeks before your attendance at workshops is recorded. You are strongly encouraged to track your progress independently of the TA Management System in order to ensure its accuracy. In the event of a discrepancy, you are responsible for ensuring your training is captured in Carleton Central.