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Current Grad Students Newsletter

Graduate Student News

The Graduate@Carleton newsletter is typically distributed every Thursday morning. The next newsletter will be available on January 28. If you have any questions, please email us at:

To access FAQs about how Carleton is coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, click here. For questions concerning current graduate studentsclick here. To view FAQs for prospective graduate studentsclick here. International graduate students, please check out FAQs on the ISSO website.

Funding Assistance

If you are in financial need, you may be eligible for an emergency bursary. You can also apply for  a COVID technology bursary which covers up to $500. If you already received this bursary, but not for the full amount, you can re-apply. Please email with your request.

You may also be eligible for the Student Emergency Fund. To be eligible, you will need to demonstrate that you do not qualify for any current federal/provincial programs and that the reason for applying is to cover expenses related to your physiological/safety needs (not necessarily COVID-related). Also, as this is a one-time payment, you are not eligible if you have already received SEF funds since April 2020. More information is available by clicking here.

Orientation Reminder for New Students and TAs

If you are a new graduate student or teaching assistant at Carleton this term, you can still view our Orientation videos. For details, please click here.

Expand Your Skill Set

There is a whole new suite of Professional Development opportunities for graduate students this term. More events will be added in the coming weeks. You can view upcoming events by clicking here. Coming up this week:

January 21:  Professional Report Writing
January 26   Financial Skills: Investing & Taxation

Opting Out of the U-Pass

All Carleton students can choose to opt out of the U-Pass (transit) program for Winter 2021. If you already have a U-Pass, you must return this in order to receive a pro-rated credit for the Winter term. Click here for details.

Announcing Carleton's New Grad Diploma in Economic Policy

Check out Carleton’s new Graduate Diploma in Economic Policy. One of the two GDips targets current students. This program is unique to Carleton.

Find Out More →

Health and Counselling Assistance

Are you in need of mental health support? Then check out these resources.

Final Reminder - Scholarship Balance

If you are eligible to receive a scholarship balance, you can request your balance through Carleton Central by clicking on “Refund or Scholarship Balance Request”. Depending on the amount of your scholarship balance, you will have up to four options: campus card transfer, e-transfer, cheque, or donate to Carleton. Although you can submit your request prior to the financial drop date, it will not be processed until after January 31, 2021. If you have any questions, please contact Student Accounts by phone at 613-520-2600 ext. 3626 or by emailing

Award Opportunities

Applications are still being accepted for several awards including the Canada Graduate Scholarships – Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements (application deadline January 27), the R. James Travers Foreign Corresponding Fellowship (deadline March 1 at noon), the Dan David scholarship, (deadiine March 10) and scholarships from the Maple Leaf Centre for Action on Food Security (deadline February 12). Check out other awards on our special awards website.

Nominate A Student for the BoG Community Achievement Award or an Outstanding TA Award

Do you know a student who has displayed exceptional volunteerism and community contribution? Nominate them for the 2021 Board Award. The successful candidate will receive a $2,000 reward. Deadline is February 22 by 4:30 p.m. For more information, visit the Board of Governors website or email Amanda Goth, University Secretary, at

Also a reminder that the nomination form for the Outstanding TA Awards 2020-2021 is now available on the TASupport website.

Sexual Assault Awareness Week at Carleton

At Carleton University, January 25 to 28, 2021, is Sexual Assault Awareness Week. The department of Equity and Inclusive Communities, along with campus and community partners, will be hosting a variety of events and workshops for you to attend virtually throughout the week.

Check Out Events →

Callout Opportunities for PhD Students from "The Conversation"

PhD students and faculty are invited to submit their ideas to The Conversation. The publication asks authors to please sign up and then pitch an article idea, rather than email a fully written article to the editors. Here are some of the topics they are looking for.

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Just for International Students

If you’re an International student, you’re going to want to click here.

Carleton University’s Top Accomplishments of 2020

2020 was an extraordinary year that provided many unique challenges and opportunities. Carleton’s amazing and dedicated students, faculty, staff, alumni and partners used the time during the pandemic to conduct impactful research, solve problems and plan ahead for a more strategic, sustainable and equitable future.

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Carleton Pathway Podcast: Procrastination

To kick off the new year, Carleton has started a new series of Pitstop episodes on the Carleton Pathway Podcast with procrastination expert Dr. Tim Pychyl. The series focuses on techniques to help you get started, stay focused, and get past that idea of making something your future self’s problem.

Listen to the Podcast →

Carleton Research Team Working on Stem Cell Therapy to Reverse Type 1 Diabetes

Carleton’s Jenny Bruin is part of a team of researchers that has been awarded a 5-year, $3 million grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and JDRF Canada to develop a novel therapy that transplants insulin-secreting cells derived from stem cells into patients with Type 1 diabetes.

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Grad Research: Fishing For Answers

As many recreational anglers may know, gill injuries happen. But what should one do about it? Alexandria Trahan, an MSc candidate from the Department of Biology, is researching potential strategies for addressing bleeding injuries in angled fish.

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Important Dates and Deadlines

For a complete list of all official academic and financial dates and deadlines, please go to the Registrar’s websiteFor all financial matters, go to Student Accounts. Reminder that January 25, 2021 is the last day for registration for Winter term courses and the last day to change courses or sections (including auditing) for Winter term courses. Also, the date for Graduate students to electronically submit their final thesis copy to the Graduate Studies has been extended to January 31. If you have not done so by this date, you will not be eligible to graduate in Winter 2021 and must register for the Winter 2021 term.


There have been no updates to the FAQs for prospective students this week. We have added one FAQ to the site for current grad students: Can I Book a Grad Student Study Space in the Library This Term?