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Demonstrating Indigenous Identity for the purpose of Graduate Awards

How to Submit Documents Demonstrating Indigenous Identity for the Purpose of Graduate Awards 

Requirements to Confirm Indigenous Identity

When an applicant is applying for awards, bursaries, grants or scholarships limited to Indigenous (First Nation, Metis or Inuit) applicants, proof of identity will be required as a mandatory part of the process. Candidates will be required to submit information and documentation as outlined in either Category 1 or Category 2 as applicable.

Category 1: Indian Status, Inuit Beneficiary, or Metis Citizenship Documentation

One of the following will be accepted as supporting documentation, for the purposes of the application, of Indigenous identity:

If a student cannot submit the documentation in Category 1, they must provide all documentation required in Category 2.

Category 2: Self-Declaration of Indigenous Identity and Mandatory Additional Documentation

Candidates who do not possess the documentation listed above in Category 1 must submit satisfactory proof of an ongoing relationship to a recognized Indigenous community, Nation, or People in the form of:

Submitting Your Documents

Documentation must be uploaded along with the corresponding application in Carleton Central as a supporting letter.  For Department specific awards that are not managed through Carleton Central, please contact your Departmental Graduate Administrator for documentation submission instructions.