The Graduate Studies (GS) is here to help. If you have a question, please do not hesitate to email us at


Academic Programs

Academic Programs

For the full list of graduate academic programs available at Carleton University, please click here to our Graduate Admissions site.

International Students

Who can help me with an immigration question such as study or work permits?

The International Student Services Office (ISSO) has certified Immigration Advisors who can provide guidance to students. You can contact the ISSO at Visit the ISSO’s website for more details.


I am a Graduate student with questions about why UHIP coverage. What should I do?

For an update on UHIP information, please go to the ISSO website.

Please note that if you are registered as a Special student, your UHIP coverage is valid only for the term(s) you are enrolled in classes.

Kindly note that UHIP does not cover the cost of prescription drugs, and dental and vision care. These are offered through the supplemental plans with the Graduate Student Association (GSA), and students should consult with them directly about how non-registration may impact coverage.

I am an international graduate student and I have some questions about my status. Where can I go for help?

Please contact the International Student Services Office (ISSO). The best way to connect with the ISSO is by email. You should receive a reply to your inquiry within 2-4 business days.


Given that TA and Scholarship funding will be moved to the next available term after a LOA, will my OGS also automatically be moved forward, or do I need to make arrangements for this?

If you take a Leave of Absence and have remaining terms in your official time to completion, then the OGS funding will be deferred to the next available term (that does not have an OGS award already in place).

Do students need to contact SSHRC, NSERC or CHIR to defer this award?

You cannot defer your award. However, you can defer your registration for a term by taking a Leave of Absence and your funding will be moved to the next term.

New incoming students who request to defer their admission and have an external award can request to change or defer their award start date prior to commencing the award.

Professional Development

What professional development resources are still available to me?

Graduate Studies continues to offer one-on-one writing consultations to assist you with writing-related challenges, or to discuss the effectiveness of your research and writing strategies. To book a consultation, please fill out and submit this form.

There are many other professional development resources available to you. Please visit our website for details.

Campus Services

How can I get my student ID card if I’m taking courses online and not physically present on campus?

All details and instructions can be found on the Campus Card website. Library Access and other services are available remotely using your Carleton login credentials.

What services does the Carleton Bookstore offer?

The Carleton University Bookstore offers books and Carleton merchandise! For all their services, please visit their website here.

How can I access mental health support?

Click here to view the FAQ about mental health services specifically for graduate students.


For Thesis Requirements, visit this link. For writing support, visit this page.



Leave of Absence

Can I change my LOA to registered status?

In our effort to remain as flexible as possible, it is possible to do this, depending on the student’s circumstances.

If I take an LOA in May, can I cancel this LOA in July if research possibilities become available?

Yes, you can. If you alert Graduate Studies, we will register you retroactively for the term.

If I take a Leave of Absence, will I be exempted from paying back my OSAP payments before I return for the next term?

Graduate Studies is not directly responsible for the administration of OSAP, however, we are happy to refer this query to the AWARDs office, which is directly responsible for the administration of OSAP.


I have a question related to my research. Where can I go for help?

The Carleton Office for Research Initiatives and Services has many resources available. You may also want to talk with your research supervisor.

What if I haven’t defended yet but my research has been interrupted and I can’t progress in my work?

Please contact our Graduate Registrar at if you would like to request a leave of absence (LOA). We are cognizant of the fact that the collective response to COVID-19 may have resulted in interruptions in your research and requests for LOA will be reasonably accommodated.


How can I access services from the Library?

Please visit the MacOdrum Library website for up-to-date information: