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Graduate Council Terms of Reference

Graduate Council’s primary function is to advise the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) regarding matters related to Graduate Studies at Carleton. Graduate Council is responsible for developing and recommending academic regulations and policies pertaining to graduate studies at Carleton University. Additionally, Graduate Council serves as a forum for planning, information sharing, and advocacy regarding graduate studies to ensure the continued excellence of graduate education at Carleton.



The Graduate Council is constituted annually as follows:


Quorum and Voting

Quorum is 30% of voting members. The Chair shall not vote except to break a tie.

Meeting Procedures


Other than as described above, Graduate Council (through its Chair) shall report the content of discussions and advise the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) on behalf of Graduate Council.


[1] For example:

  1. International Affairs sends only one representative despite having both an MA and a PhD.
  2. Film Studies and Music are distinct graduate programs that are administered in the same academic unit and thus have distinct representation on this Council.
  3. Teaching English as an Additional Language and Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies are two different types of degree offered by the same graduate program, so they share one representative.