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Group of students sitting outside on the grass facing the camera

Grad Student Orientation

Please note as of July 1, 2024 we are no longer the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, but have now been renamed to Graduate Studies.


All new graduate students may want to review our Checklist for New Graduate Students.

International students may want to review the International Grad Student Handbook  and visit the International Student Services Office website.

Graduate Studies has an orientation guide available as a course on Brightspace, and you can access it directly through this link, or alternatively click on “Discover” within Brightspace and search for “Introduction to Graduate Studies at Carleton.” Please enrol in the course to access the information! New Grad Student In-Person Orientation takes place the first week of September and January. For more information and to register, please visit our orientation website.

The Graduate Students’ Association hosts orientation programming for new and returning students

Carleton offers an off-campus housing listing service. Here is a map of geographic areas of the city of Ottawa.