Photo of Glendy Wong

Glendy Wong

Student Systems Support Officer

    Student Systems Support Officer

    Glendy is responsible for all graduate-related systems used by students, staff, and faculty. Graduate systems include BDM, Carleton360, E-thesis, Graduate Admissions and Funding, Graduate Awards, TA Management, related GREPORTs, and uAchieve for academic audits.

    Please get in touch with Glendy for technical assistance with:

    • Access to graduate systems;
    • Issues with graduate systems;
    • Updates and enhancements to Carleton360 graduate applications;
    • Updates to academic audits;
    • Requests for batch audits;
    • Requests to update institution/degree data for applicants/students;
    • Requests for Collaborative Specialization reports;
    • Questions regarding University of Ottawa Joint programs, students, and courses.