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Program Extension Policy and Procedures

Please refer to section 13.5 in the Graduate Calendar for extension regulations.

Program completion is expected within the Time Limits to Program Completion as set out in the Graduate Calendar section 13.  Extensions may be granted in extenuating circumstances to Master’s and PhD students upon request.  In all cases, extension requests must be initiated within the students home Department.  Departmental Administrators or students must submit completed forms to Graduate Studies for processing by emailing the Department assigned Grad Service Officer (GSO) or

Master’s Programs

A complete request for an extension must be submitted at least one month before the student’s deadline to complete their program.

The Extension request form can be found by clicking here. Extension forms must include signatures from Thesis, Research Project or Graduate Program Supervisors.

Normally, Graduate Studies will approve requests for extensions for full-time Master’s students without review until the end of their third year. Requests for extensions beyond one additional year of study will be reviewed and assessed by Graduate Studies.

PhD programs

A complete request for an extension must be submitted at least one month before the student’s deadline to complete their program. The request must include the following elements:

  1. A completed “Request for extension of the time limit to complete the requirements of a graduate degree” form must be submitted. Extension request form can be found by clicking here.
  2. The requested extension must be realistic, taking into account the remaining research to be done. It can be for one to three terms.
  3. A letter from the student giving the reasons for the requested extension must be attached to the request. This letter must also indicate when the thesis proposal was accepted.
  4. A letter from the thesis supervisor supporting the request for an extension, with a realistic time schedule to complete the remaining research activities. This time schedule must be approved by all members of the thesis committee. Letters or email messages from committee members indicating their approval of the proposed schedule must also be attached to the service request.

Graduate Studies will review and assess all requests for extensions for full-time PhD students beyond the normal 6 year time limit.

Graduate Calendar regulations and the procedures noted act as guidance for the development of Department specific policies on program extensions. Departments are encouraged to consult with Graduate Studies on the development of extension policies to ensure clear and consistent policy implementation.