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Thesis Exam Report

Thesis Exam Report

Degree Level(Required)

Grading Guidelines:

All decisions should be solely on the academic quality of the thesis. The four categories of acceptability are as follows:

1. Accepted: Used where only a few typographical or stylistic changes are required.

2. Acceptable after minor revisions as outlined on an attached sheet: Used where a large number of typographical errors exist, or where other changes are required which do not affect the basic tenets of the research or its findings and do not call for alteration to the basic structure of the thesis. These changes should be clearly specified in writing and are subject only to the approval of the thesis supervisor before the thesis is finally accepted for deposit.

3. Acceptable after major revisions as outlined on an attached sheet: Used where, in the judgment of the examiners, changes of a substantive nature which call for re-writing of parts of the thesis are required. These changes should be clearly specified in writing and are subject to the approval of the thesis board, or a designated committee, before the thesis is finally accepted for deposit.

4. Rejected: Used where, in the judgment of the examiners, the thesis is unacceptable on substantive grounds.

Oral Defence:(Required)
Medal Nomination:(Required)
Approval by the Examination Board: (please include the email for each member to receive a copy of the submission, as a sign of their agreement)
Thesis Supervisor(s) (or Co-Supervisors) Email:(Required)
List one email per line. Use the (+) symbol to add another member
Internal/External/Committee Member Emails:(Required)
List one email per line. Use the (+) symbol to add another member
Please include the email for your Graduate Administrator to receive a copy of this submission.