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Converting to PDF/A Format

Converting your thesis to PDF/A format is easy! There are several options for converting your thesis to PDF/A format. The following are instructions for some of the more popular software.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you have conversion problems, you may try contacting Information Technology Services (ITS) for assistance.

MICROSOFT WORD (on MS Windows only)

Will convert document types: .doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf

  1. Select Save as
  2. Save as type PDF
  3. Click on Options
  4. Check off under PDF Options, ISO 9005-1 compliant (PDF/A)


Unfortunately, Microsoft Office for Mac does not include a feature to save as a PDF/A. We suggest accessing a computer with Windows e.g. computers in MacOdrum Library have a version of MS Office or on public workstations.

We recommend this method of converting from Word to PDF/A directly. Other methods below may work but we are unable to support troubleshooting.



Will convert document types: .pdf, .html, .xlsx, .jpeg, .ps, .docx, .txt, .tiff, .bmp, .xml

  1. Select Save as
  2. Select under save as type dropdown: pdf/a
  3. Click on Save

If successful, a banner will appear stating that the file is in compliance with PDF/A


Will convert document types: .odt, .ods, .odp

The OpenDocument format (ODF) is a free, ISO-standardized format for documents (.odt file extension), spreadsheets (.ods), presentations (.odp) and more. Used widely throughout the world, ODF is supported by a variety of programs, including the free LibreOffice suite and


  1. Select File
  2. Export as PDF
  3. Check off under General PDF/A-1a


The current LaTeX development suites (like Kile, MiKTeX, MacTex. etc.) provide tools that convert to PDF only. Therefore, create a pdf document using the tool pdflatex which is generally included with the development suite and then use Adobe Acrobat Pro to convert to PDF/A.




Since the final thesis document must be assembled and uploaded as one (1) document.  Several products such as Adobe Acrobat Pro and MS-Word will merge documents into one.


  1. Select Create
  2. Select Add Files
  3. Select the files to be merged in the order to be assembled
  4. Click on Combine Files
  5. Enter File name
  6. Select Save as
  7. Select under save as type dropdown: PDF/A


  1. Open a new document
  2. Click on the “Insert” tab
  3. Select Object
  4. Select Text from File
  5. Select the documents to merge in the order that they are to be assembled

Note: If the documents selected have different headers or footers, the header/footer of the 1st document selected will be used during the merge process.