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Thesis Checklist

Is your thesis ready to submit?

Your thesis must follow the prescribed formatting. Font, margins, pagination are all important to ensure the processing of your thesis.

Is your pagination correct?

Small Roman numerals are used in the preliminary section. All pages are to be numbered except for the title page on which number “i” is implied but not given. Make sure to include your preliminary pages in the Table of Contents. The accepted order for the preliminary pages is as follows:

All pages in the main body of the thesis including text, illustrations, bibliography and appendices must be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals, beginning with page 1 to the last page of the last appendix.

Does your thesis contain illustrative material?

Illustrative material must be included in the pagination and must be properly labelled on the page.  Refer to the formatting page for details.

Does your thesis contain accompanying material?

When you submit your thesis to your committee, any accompanying material must be clearly noted on the envelope that your thesis is submitted in. This material must be clearly labelled to ensure that it is not misplaced.

You will be asked to complete and submit the Academic Integrity Statement form along with your submission in Carleton Central.

Please refer to Carleton University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

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