The following explains the process by which Research Assistants will be paid for 2020-21.

Payments for all Type A Research Assistants (fixed payment not linked to specific hours worked) will be applied directly to their graduate student account for this year, rather than what happened in the past e.g. being paid over four months via payroll.  The full amount of the RA (rather than the 92% that Payroll limits the grads to) will be applied to their student account.

Faculty and students both still use the Grad RA Payment System to set up the funding. Data from that system will be applied to the student account.

For domestic students, a T4A will still be issued.  For international students, a T4A-NR (same form, for a non-resident) will be produced.

Students will be able to request a refund of the amount applied to their account in excess of their tuition fees.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer a Type B income RA (salary for hours worked) to any student who will not be resident in Canada this fall.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020 in
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