Carleton U. Interns heading to Africa 2013-14

Photo by: Shamit Tushakiran

The Centre for Media and Transitional Societies, directed by Prof. Allan Thompson is gearing up to send 22 Journalism and Communication students to Africa in the coming months on media internships.

Ten of these interns are graduate students.

This is the 8th year for the trademark Africa internship program and, this year, it involves more countries than ever before. Students  will be fanning out to 11 countries across Africa to take up volunteer placements with news organizations and media development projects. Five of the interns will be placed with Farm Radio International as interns with projects in Malawi, Ghana and Mali. Two are slated to join Search for Common Ground projects in Sierra Leone. The CMTS is sending other interns to radio stations and news outlets in Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and potentially Tunisia and Egypt.

Interns took part in an extensive pre-departure orientation session held at the school in conjunction with Farm Radio and WUSC.

The internships are funded within Carleton by travel scholarships from the School of Journalism and Communication, the Graduate Studies, the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) and the Dean of Public Affairs. Scholarships are also supported by a grant from the Reader’s Digest Foundation.

More information about last year’s interns is available on our Interns in Africa story page.

Monday, April 22, 2013 in
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