To all Members of the Carleton Community,

On behalf of Carleton University’s Board of Governors, I am delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Benoit-Antoine Bacon as Carleton’s 15th President and Vice-Chancellor. Dr. Bacon will commence his five-year appointment on July 1, 2018.

As Carleton begins a new era and its next 75 years, the university community will benefit from the energy and vision that Dr. Bacon will bring to the presidency.

An accomplished teacher, researcher and academic administrator, Dr. Bacon will assume his leadership role at Carleton from Queen’s University, where he currently serves as Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic).

A copy of the news release the university is sending today is here:

Dr. Bacon succeeds Dr. Alastair Summerlee, appointed Interim President and Vice-Chancellor in July 2017. His service and leadership skills in leading the university to address the challenges over the last year during his interim appointment is appreciated by the board and the administration. 

I would like to thank Perrett Laver, the international executive search firm that assisted us. I would also like to acknowledge the students, faculty, staff and board members who served on the Presidential Search committee with me. They are:

Nik Nanos, Vice-Chair of the Board of Governors ex-officio
Adrian Chan, Assistant Vice-President (Academic)
Joshua Greenberg, Associate Professor and Director of the School of Journalism and Communication
Elinor Sloan, Professor, Department of Political Science
Rafik Goubran, Vice- President (Research and International)
Linda Schweitzer, Interim Dean, Sprott School of Business
Matthew Pelletier, student representative
Ahmed Hassan, student representative
Bob Wener, Member, Community-at-Large, Board of Governors
Jay Nordenstrom, Member, Community-at-Large, Board of Governors
Lynn Honsberger, Member, Community-at-Large, Board of Governors

Dr. Chris Carruthers
Chair of the Board of Governors

Tuesday, May 1, 2018 in
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