Three Carleton PhD students have won $10,000 awards from the Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies (ACUNS). ACUNS had this to say about all of the 11 winners: “Their outstanding achievements and commitment to Canada’s northern communities cover a vast landscape of interests from natural science to political science, health, culture, and education.”

The Carleton University recipients are:

William EnglishWillow English, PhD Biology, winner of the Canadian Northern Studies Trust (CNST) Scholarship of $10,000 for her research on Carry-over effects in Arctic-breeding shorebirds: a cross-species comparison.

Twardek-Photo_POLAR awardWilliam Twardek, PhD Biology, winner of the Polar Knowledge Canada POLAR Scholarship of $10,000 for his research on Assessing the fate of returning upper Yukon River Chinook Salmon.

Zawadski-Photo-ACUNS awardKrista Ulujuk Zawadski, PhD Cultural Mediations, winner of the POLAR Northern Resident Scholarship of $10,000 for her research on Qatiktalik: Nexus of Colonial Encounters.

Gary N. Wilson, president of ACUNS, notes that:  “ACUNS recognizes the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has made on students. For northern studies scholars, whose research projects involve on-the-ground collaboration within Canada’s Arctic and sub-Arctic communities, summer is the critical time to get work done. The season may be lost this year, but academic ambitions should not be abandoned. We hope our scholarships will provide the means of support to help our recipients reach their goals.”

For more information about the winners, including their photos and for descriptions of our awards, please visit the ACUNS website:

Wednesday, June 17, 2020 in , ,
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