To leave with a degree in one hand and a business in the other is something that one third of the students in the Technology Innovation Management (TIM) program are guaranteed.

The TIM program puts an emphasis on helping train aspiring entrepreneurs, specifically students looking to launch or continue their technology-based companies.

Tran Phan

Tran Phan

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained” is what Tran Phan was taught by her mother at a young age. This is the motto many new entrepreneurs have and this is what ultimately led Phan to starting up her own business at a very young age.

“When I was 12 years old, I started my very first business,” explained Phan. All children in Vietnam loved reading comic books, and so did I. Children around me often could not afford to buy books and so borrowed them from each other.” Although it may be difficult to believe, I actually had a collection of more than 1,000 graphic novels. One day, I told my entire class that I decided to open a comic book rent service. My first clients were my classmates, and from word of mouth, my service spread out to the entire sixth grade. I made a lot of money doing this, and subsequently bought newly released graphic novels.”

This ultimately set Phan up for a bright future in entrepreneurship. Many students in the TIM program start off this way, with a vision and drive.

TIM student Jie Ren had her first exposure to entrepreneurship at a young age while witnessing her parents build their business from scratch during China’s Reform and Opening-up policy.

“It takes deep passion and faith for an entrepreneur to give up the sense of security and stability from a routine job or lifestyle, to assume risks and be persistent in one’s path,” emphasized Ren.

Jamie Carmichael

Jamie Carmichael

Jamie Carmichael describes the TIM program as being a toolkit for start-ups although this same toolkit can be applied to any workplace or industry.

Carmichael has taken a different approach to the TIM program. Carmichael is researching academic integrity and technology. She has taken the skills learned in the TIM program and applied them to her position at Carleton as Associate Registrar of Scheduling and Systems.

“The first course I took in the program was TIMG 5002 with Dr. Tony Bailetti, former Director of the Technology Management Innovation program, where he challenged students to form groups and create a start-up that would make a million dollars in three years,” said Carmichael. “Not an easy task as it turns out, but it provided an excellent learning opportunity and a great start to the program.”

The TIM program provides students with a unique learning experience, allowing them to choose from three different Master’s degrees. Whether it is science, entrepreneurship or engineering, TIM students are able to combine their interests with the entrepreneurship and business aspects that the program provides.

Jie Ren

Jie Ren

“I appreciate how the courses offered in the TIM program reflect both the current trend in technology innovation and each professor’s strong suit,” shared Jie Ren. “There are ample resources and programs for students to take advantage of, such as entrepreneurial trips to India, China, and Nigeria, which are all precious opportunities to get exposure to the international market,”

The TIM program allows students to take classes that can be applied to a multitude of different areas from learning about customer value to learning about the issues in technology innovation management.

To grow a company early, rapidly and securely is something that a team of TIM students are working on. They are developing a set of principles to help guide practitioners on how to grow their businesses.

Something unique to the TIM program is that it allows students the opportunity to attend face-to-face classes as well as classes concurrently delivered over the Internet. This allows students to keep up-to-date and re-watch lectures while being away from campus.

“The TIM program is well-designed for a new entrepreneur like me,” Phan explained. “I expanded my network, furthered my understanding of global business, and got inspired to propel myself to new heights. The networking and business pitch opportunities were more than just enlightening — they were vital for my success.”

The program also allows students access to other entrepreneurship initiatives at Carleton University such as the Lead To Win program or the TIM Review. The TIM Review has international contributors and readers, and it is published in association with the TIM program. The publication has focused on themes that are of interest to entrepreneurs such as smart cities or artificial intelligence.

You might be interested in reading these other stories about our TIM students:

Carleton Student Entrepreneurs Crack the Chinese Market

Entrepreneurship Carleton-Style: TIM Program Leads the Way

Carleton Launches Innovative New Online Technology Review

For more information about the TIM program, click here.

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