November 2, 2021

Dear Members of the Carleton Community,

As the President recently announced, this year we are updating our Student Mental Health Framework (SMHF) to version 3.0. Our Student Mental Health Framework is an important component of Carleton’s ongoing efforts toward striving for wellness. Refreshing our framework provides an opportunity to review our programs and services, consider new trends and best practices, and collaborate with the community to further strengthen our approach.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft consultation process. We have posted the feedback and finalized work plan on our consultation website.

As we move into the listening phase, I would encourage all members of the Carleton community to continue to provide feedback and comments through our consultation website, by email or through feedback sessions and meetings with stakeholder groups. Our finalized consultation work plan identifies several key internal and external stakeholder groups we intend to consult with, but any interested group is welcome to reach out by email to arrange a feedback meeting.

The Student Mental Health Framework 2.0 identified six areas of focus to help us build a thriving community: student engagement; well-being, skills building and resilience; mental health awareness, literacy and education; accessible services; coordinated crisis management; and institutional structure. These areas of focus will help to shape the new Student Mental Health Framework 3.0, however, we are also seeking feedback on possible changes or additions. Based on preliminary feedback, the following high-level topics have emerged, keeping in mind others may be identified through continued consultations:

  • Equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Leverage and incorporate Calls to Action from Kinàmàgawin
  • Increase engagement with Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Committee in implementing Honouring Each Other objectives and strategies
  • Harm reduction and substance use strategy
  • Improved mental health and wellness support navigation through a website update
  • Cyberbullying education and prevention and social media use
  • Culture of mental health for faculty and staff through the creation of self-assessment and audit tools to support campus wide SMHF 3.0 implementation
  • Community-informed and community-driven
  • Implementation of Canada’s National Standard for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students
  • Yearly audit and evaluation plan developed

Feedback is welcome on any aspect of the framework and we will continue to post feedback on our website in the spirit of transparency.

We look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with the entire community throughout this important consultation process.


Suzanne Blanchard
Vice-President (Students and Enrolment)

Tuesday, November 2, 2021 in ,
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