2015 3MT winners

2015 Top 3MT Winners

There are countless great reasons to participate in the Carleton Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition!

Develop your Elevator Pitch
When you sign up for the 3MT, you’re going to learn how to give a clear, concise, jargon-free three minute description of what it is that you are doing in grad school! Not only will this pitch be an asset at conferences, job talks, and when meeting academics in other fields, this pitch will help in interviews outside academia, when explaining your work to friends and family, not to mention dreaded elevator small talk.

Clarify your Research Objectives
The process of developing your elevator pitch will strip your research down to its most basic form. Many participants have reported a moment when working on their draft where they wonder: “What is it I’m doing anyway?” While this moment can be distressing, it’s short-lived, and students report enhanced clarity and better research questions following the competition.

Build Confidence

With your new research objectives and polished elevator pitch in hand, you will likely feel much more confident discussing your research with other academics, at conferences, and with your peers. The 3MT can be nerve wracking—you’ll need to recite a memorized three-minute script in front of an audience—but it is tremendously gratifying and a great chance to conquer stage fright.

Research Exposure

Participants in the 3MT are a lucky group whose research is disseminated beyond their department in a compelling, clear format that anyone can understand. The audience at the 3MT, made up of your peers, students from other departments, staff, faculty, and community members, will likely always remember your research and follow up with questions and even opportunities for collaboration. Videos of the top 10 are posted online, and often generate continued interest in participants’ research.

Media Exposure

3MT participants have been featured in Carleton news stories, departmental websites & newsletters, YouTube, CBC Radio, and the Ottawa Citizen. Get the word out there about the great work you’re doing!

Cash Prizes and Travel!

3MT winners will be rewarded for their efforts! People’s choice and 3rd place each win $250, second takes home $500, and 1st place wins $1,000 plus an expenses-paid trip to the 3MT provincial championships in April!

Register for one of the training sessions today, and make sure to read the 3MT website first for more details.

3MT group 2015

2015 Top 10 Three Minute Thesis Finalists

Friday, January 29, 2016 in ,
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