The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs is delighted to report that the University’s Space Planning and Management Committee (SPAM) has allocated an additional 1,145.5 square metres (12,330 square feet) for graduate students.

“We are grateful that the senior administration has recognized the pressing need for more space for our students,” says John Shepherd, dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs. “This is an acknowledgement of how essential and important graduate students are for the university as a whole and specifically for our research enterprise.”

The space will become available starting in January 2012 and, by August 2012, all space will be made available. It will accommodate study and office space for approximately 287 grad students across all faculties.

The space has opened up as several programs and departments are vacating their existing premises to move into the new Canal and River Buildings.

The space has already been assigned to departments.

Anne Richards, assistant director, Space Management and Capital Planning, notes that all faculties are getting new space and that she worked closely with the Deans’ offices in each faculty to determine departmental needs.

Thursday, November 10, 2011 in ,
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