Over the Fall semester, graduate students have commented and shared their ideas through GRAD TALK. We’ve heard tips from grad students on how to deal with procrastination, work-life balance, coping with a new academic year, among other topics. Now, the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs (FGPA)  wants to know what you think of GRAD TALK as a means for graduate students to share ideas and experiences with the Carleton graduate community.

Would you like GRAD TALK to continue?  FGPA wants to know if you have ideas or suggestions about other ways to facilitate conversations between grad students?

Let us know your thoughts by emailing fgpa_newsletter@carleton.ca.

Over the last year, graduate students that participated in focus groups facilitated by FGPA said they appreciated the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas in-person with other grad students. Would you like to see more regular in-person focus group sessions? Would you like to see a regular schedule of brown bag lunch get togethers? Maybe even invite guest speakers to address some of these sessions? Would you be interested in an FGPA Facebook page for grad students?

We look forward to hearing from you.

Monday, December 17, 2012 in
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