If you are an Aboriginal Canadian and have worked for the federal public service,  grad student Alisha Seguin wants to hear from you.

Seguin is looking for grad students and members of the general public who self-identify as being First Nations, Métis or Inuit who would like to share their stories about what it is like to work for the Canadian civil service in a student, temporary or permanent position, paid or unpaid.

“These voices are missing from history so doing this research will allow for greater public and academic recognition of their contributions to the Canadian economy and the country that we know in the present,” says Seguin. “It will also help scholars understand the transition period Canada went through to make the civil service a more inclusive workforce.”

As the research is being conducted orally, Seguin says she would set up a short preview phone interview with interested parties and then, set up a taped interview at an agreed-on location and date. She will also provide participants with the questions in advance so they can reflect on their answers.

Anonymity is available to all participants. Seguin notes that: “For those who do not require anonymity, copies of their audio and text-based interview materials may be deposited in Archives and Research Collections (ARC) at Carleton University. This archive has the ability to stream audio records over the internet so that members of the general public may access materials without coming to the archive in person. This may become a valuable cultural resource for interviewees and the community to which they belong.

Seguin, who is pursuing her master’s in history, is being supervised by John Walsh.

Her research project has been reviewed and cleared by the Carleton University Research Ethics Board (613-520-2517 or ethic@carleton.ca).

You can reach Seguin at alishaseguin@carleton.ca, follow her on Twitter at https://twitter.com/AlishaSeguin or check out her at website www.rememberingthecivilservice.com

Monday, October 7, 2013 in ,
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